레드애플 팬클럽 담당자입니다.
레다 여러분들 6월 14일이 무슨 DAY 인지 알고 계신가요?
바로바로 KISS DAY입니다!!!!!
그래서 준비했습니다!
오직 레드애플만을 사랑하는 레다를 위한 이벤트!!
레드애플 입술의 주인공을 찾아라!
번호에 맞게 멤버들의 이름을 작성해주신 분들 중 6명 모두를 맞추신 선착순 한명에게
레드애플의 싸인이 담긴 입술도장카드 원본을 보내드립니다.
- 6월 14일 오후 7시~9시
- 본 게시물에 비밀댓글을 달아주세요
ex) 1.서영준 2.장한별 3.박건우 4.김효석 5.김광연 6.이규민
- 오후 7시 이전 9시 이후 작성된 댓글은 모두 무효 및 삭제 처리
- 1인(1ID) 당 한 개의 댓글만 작성 가능 중복댓글 시 무효처리
- 정답일 경우에도 선착순에서 밀리게 되면 당첨자에서 제외
- 정답자가 없을 경우 가장 많은 멤버를 맞추신 분에 한하여 선착순 한명 당첨
[Event] KISS DAY commemorative events | · yibenteubang
Fan Club Contact | Views 27 | Recommend 0 | 2012.06.13. 18:05 http://cafe.daum.net/L.E.D.A/nIX9/37
Red Apple is a fan club representative.
Rheda June 14, twelve of you know what DAY Did you know?
It is just KISS DAY!!
So here it is!
Redareul only love, only events for Red Apple!
Find the hero of Red Apple lips!
According to the number of members who haejusin write the names of six people to one of all first-come, first-served basis matchusin
Red lips are filled with Apple's signature stamp cards will be sent to the source.
Fan Club Contact | Views 27 | Recommend 0 | 2012.06.13. 18:05 http://cafe.daum.net/L.E.D.A/nIX9/37
Red Apple is a fan club representative.
Rheda June 14, twelve of you know what DAY Did you know?
It is just KISS DAY!!
So here it is!
Redareul only love, only events for Red Apple!
Find the hero of Red Apple lips!
According to the number of members who haejusin write the names of six people to one of all first-come, first-served basis matchusin
Red lips are filled with Apple's signature stamp cards will be sent to the source.
How to participate
- June 14 7:00 p.m. to 9:00
- The secret to this post comment Please weighed
ex) 1. Organizational Commitment 2. janghanbyeol 3. bakgeonwoo 4. Kim Hyo - seuk 5 gimgwangyeon 6. Lee, Gyu - Min
- 7:00 p.m. 9:00 written since the previous comment and delete all the invalid processing
- 1 (1ID) can be created only comments per duplicate comment when one void
- Jeongdapil is faced in first-come, first-served basis, even if excluded from winners
- Correct answers, If you do not have a first-come, first-served basis only at most one person winning matchusin members
- 7:00 p.m. 9:00 written since the previous comment and delete all the invalid processing
- 1 (1ID) can be created only comments per duplicate comment when one void
- Jeongdapil is faced in first-come, first-served basis, even if excluded from winners
- Correct answers, If you do not have a first-come, first-served basis only at most one person winning matchusin members
Source/Credit :LEDApple facebook+Daum Cafe
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